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Πέμπτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

GrizzlyButts "Curves of Sidereal Cosmos" album review

Distorted Force

Curves of Sidereal Cosmos

 Rating [3.5/5.0]

Here we’re treated to a truly underground and very independent release from Thessaloniki, Greece with the third album from progressive metal band Distorted Force. They’re not ultra-modern nor are they an odd power metal band as you might expect. ‘Curves of Sidereal Cosmos’ is akin to early Depressive AgeThought Industry, and perhaps post-’88 Fates Warning in that they work a massive, well-considered concept into ornate and riff-oriented heavy metal structures. They touch upon death and thrash metal guitar and vocal work as they slash through extended performances that are clever and in the tradition of true progressive metal that isn’t all about pompous performance or cheesy slick production values. The death metal growls and twisted riffing reminded me of Disciples of Power when they were transitioning from a thrash band towards a prog-death style but with a lot more melodrama and less drug-induced paranoia. This was a very limited self-release, I think less than 100 copies, so check it out while it is still possible.



Guitar Scream reviews "Curves of Sidereal Cosmos"

DISTORTED FORCE, os deuses gregos que tocam Metal

Os Distorted Force são uma banda grega formada em 2008, e já com alguns bons trabalhos lançados, vindo a crescer e a conquistar o respeito pelo fãs do metal.

Com uma proposta diferente, juntando heavy metal, death e metal progressivo, lançaram em 2018 o seu álbum “Curves of Sidereal Cosmos”, e segundo eles próprios, trata-se de um álbum conceptual que dá sequência a uma história que vem se desdobrando desde o primeiro trabalho da banda.

Os mais de 11 minutos de “Barrows of Doom”, tema que abre o disco, é uma mistura de sons diferentes, já deixando bem clara a proposta de diversidade musical que a banda quer apresentar. Com uma mescla de  partes lentas, forte uso de teclados, e mudanças bruscas, a música ganha peso e rapidez. Instrumentos individualmente muito bem colocados na música, fazem de“Barrows of Doom” um óptimo cartão de visitas.

Nos restantes temas do álbum, os Distorted Force fazem uso de vocais líricos e guturais postados de forma muito natural pelo vocalista Spiros Emmanouilidis. Vale a pena destacar também os óptimos grooves pesados, além dos trabalhos de guitarra de Nikos Felekis e Nick Hatjigogos, que criam uma harmonia musical muito interessante, diante do desafio de integração de estilos musicais diversificados.

Destaque também para o tema “Raven”, com pouco mais de 20 minutos, tendo sido inspirado no poema de Edgar Allan Poe. A música por si só já é uma jornada. Abre de uma forma dramática, alterna entre o pesado e lento transitando com uma facilidade assustadora pelo death e pelo metal progressivo.

Numa entrevista dada pela própria banda  fica claro que em “Curves of Sidereal Cosmos” a intenção era justamente essa: “Nós não gostamos de nos impor limites musicalmente. Tentamos manter a mente e os ouvidos abertos.  Então, não nos importa qual estilo ou subgénero de metal que melhor se adapta para uma música… nós vamos em frente”.

“Curves of Sidereal Cosmos” é um disco fascinante, poderoso, autêntico e muito bem trabalhado. Uma grata surpresa que merece uma atenção especial. Certamente uma banda  que abre um caminho para um nível diferente e interessante de composição e canções.



Distorted Force is a Greek band formed in 2008, and already with some good works released, growing and gaining respect for metal fans. With a different proposal, joining heavy metal, death and progressive metal, they released their album "Curves of Sidereal Cosmos" in 2018, and according to them, it is a conceptual album that follows a story that has been unfolding since the first work of the band. The more than 11 minutes of "Barrows of Doom", the song that opens the album, is a mix of different sounds, making clear the proposal of musical diversity that the band wants to present. With a mix of slow parts, strong use of keyboards, and abrupt changes, the music gains weight and speed. Individual instruments very well placed in music, make "Barrows of Doom" a great business card. In the remaining themes of the album, Distorted Force make use of lyrical and guttural vocals posted very naturally by vocalist Spiros Emmanouilidis. Also worthy of note are the great heavy grooves, plus the guitar work of Nikos Felekis and Nick Hatjigogos, which create a very interesting musical harmony, facing the challenge of integrating diversified musical styles. Also noteworthy for the theme "Raven", with just over 20 minutes, was inspired by the poem of Edgar Allan Poe. Music by itself is already a journey. It opens dramatically, alternating between heavy and slow moving with a frightening ease through death and progressive metal. In an interview given by the band itself it is clear that in Curves of Sidereal Cosmos the intention was precisely this: "We do not like to impose limits musically. We try to keep our minds and ears open. So we do not care what style or subgenre of metal best suits a song ... we go forward. " "Curves of Sidereal Cosmos" is a fascinating, powerful, authentic and beautifully crafted record. A welcome surprise that deserves special attention. Certainly a band that opens a path to a different and interesting level of songwriting and composition.


Experience the Power Magazine reviews "Curves of Sidereal Cosmos"


Curves of Sidereal Cosmos revirew ROCKWAY.GR


DISTORTED FORCE: “Curves of Sidereal Cosmos”
Written by
Ιορδάνης Κιουρτσίδης
Monday, 16 July 2018

Τρία EPs και δυο full length από το 2010 συν το νέο φρέσκο “Curves Of Sidereal Cosmos” από τους Θεσσαλονικείς Distorted Force, δεν τη λες και μικρή δισκογραφική συγκομιδή. Απεναντίας δείχνει ότι αυτή η μπάντα διανύει το peak δημιουργικότητάς της. Και το σημαντικότερο; Η συγκεκριμένη, εκτός από κορυφή δημιουργίας, είναι επίσης και κορυφή καλλιτεχνικής ποιότητας. Τι θέλω να πω;

Θα εξηγηθώ από την αρχή. Το concept “Curves Of Sidereal Cosmos” είναι ένας πανέμορφος δίσκος παλιακού αλλά και ασφαλέστατα ουσιώδους progressive metal, που αναμειγνύει τόσο τη λυρικότητα όσο και την death μελωδική βαρβαρότητα που απαντάς σε κυρίως ευρωπαϊκής τεχνοτροπίας σχήματα. Με πιο σημαντικό ατού θα έλεγα το υψηλότατο αξιομνημονευτικό πηλίκο του σε σχέση με το δαιδαλώδες του ακούσματος. Μια έκδηλα καταρτισμένη μπάντα που τα θέματά της είναι πολυσχιδή αλλά έχουν λογική αλληλουχία χωρίς να χάνεται η μπάλα, παρά το χρονικό εύρος στο οποίο απλώνονται οι – από μεγάλες έως και τεράστιες – συνθέσεις.

Πανέξυπνη riff-ολογία που πηγαινοέρχεται ανάμεσα στην τεχνική prog / power, την speedy – απολαυστική – μελωδική death metal και στην straight doom πλευρά (με μεγάλο μερίδιο της τελευταίας να ανήκει κυρίως στους παλαιούς Anathema και η πτυχή αυτή να συνοδεύεται και από γυναικεία φωνητικά) από τους Νίκο Φελέκη και Νίκο Χατζηγώγο, διακριτικά keyboards που δεν καπελώνουν σε κανένα σημείο τον metal χαρακτήρα από τον Μάριο Ιωαννίδη, έξοχο, διαβασμένο rhythm section, με τον drummer Μάρκο Διαμαντόπουλο να καθοδηγεί τις ταχύτητες μαεστρικά και πυκνές, πλουραλιστικές μπασογραμμές από τον Θάνο Παλλίδη.

Πίσω από το μικρόφωνο, ο Σπύρος Εμμανουηλίδης ο οποίος είναι εντυπωσιακός. Εύρος έκφρασης, πειστικότητα και θαυμάσια ερμηνεία, είτε στα καθαρά μέρη, στα οποία παρουσιάζει έντονη θεατρικότητα εγκολπώνοντας χροιές παρόμοιες για παράδειγμα του Jan Lubitzki των Depressive Age ή αυτή του Devon Graves των Psychotic Waltz, χωρίς καμία προσπάθεια επιτήδευσης, στα growls του δε, αναδεικνύεται συγκρατημένη οργή και μίσος, όσο και μια κακή, μοχθηρή εκφορά των στίχων που λειτουργεί με καλά αποτελέσματα.

“Barrows of Doom” με ακουστικό intro και Metal Church / Lethal / Fates Warning διάθεση αρχικά και doom συνέχεια, μου θύμισε αρκετές φορές τα “Crimson” των Edge Of Sanity, με πολλά επί μέρους Fates Warning και “αλλού” σφήνες (όπως αυτή από το soundtrack του “Νονού” - της ταινίας μανάρι μου, όχι του δικού μου) και εξαιρετικό power επίλογο, “Dreamworld's Forest” με παλαιών Psychotic Waltz / Fates Warning riffing και doomy γέφυρα, το ομότιτλο track το οποίο θα έλεγα ότι ανήκει στο χώρο του τεχνικού doom / death metal (με ένα Ulver-ικό άρωμα κυρίως λόγω των καθαρών εκφραστικών φωνητικών, με Dark Tranquillity-ική άποψη και φοβερά up tempo death metal σημεία), εξαιρετικό το “Tumulus” με τα Maiden-ικά solos και κλείσιμο με το μεγαλεπήβολο 20λεπτο “Raven”, με αλλεπάλληλα layers, διάχυτη Fates Warning ατμόσφαιρα, σαρωτικά death metal θέματα που φέρνουν κάτι από Mekong Delta μέσα τους και “στοιχειωμένα” back φωνητικά, ένα ολοκληρωμένο έπος.

Η παραγωγή με παρέπεμψε σε ανάλογες παραγωγές των 90's, έχει ένα live συναίσθημα και προσωπικά τη βρήκα ιδανική. Σίγουρα και πάντα σηκώνει βελτίωση αυτό το θέμα και ίσως με μια πιο “πλούσια” παραγωγή το “Curves Of Sidereal Cosmos” να ακουγόταν “σύγχρονο” αλλά είμαι βέβαιος ότι ίσως και να χανόταν αυτό το μοναδικό true prog feeling της εποχής που οριζόταν το είδος.

Ευχαριστούμε το rockway.gr για την κριτική του στο καινούριο μας album "Curves of Sidereal Cosmos". progressive metal ως ιδίωμα, παράγοντας ουσιαστικά – με τις Anathema doom παρεμβολές – κάτι εξίσου αυθεντικό που γραπώνει τo νου και δεν τον αφήνει να αποσπαστεί. Ευέλικτες συνθέσεις, άρτια εκτελεσμένες, έντονη προσωπικότητα και τελικώς ένα progressive doom / death κόσμημα. Επαναφορά σε αίτια αγάπης προς το ιδίωμα που χάριν της τιτλικής ονομασίας του, έχει υποφέρει τα πάνδεινα από τη φλυαρία και την επίδειξη τεχνικών δυνατοτήτων που απομυθοποίησαν όλο αυτό το εικαστικό ρεύμα. Απεναντίας, το “Curves Of Sidereal Cosmos” θα ήθελα κάποτε στο μέλλον να αναγορευθεί το ίδιο σε “μυθικό”. Του αξίζει και θα νιώσω δικαιωμένος για τους Distorted Force.



Curves of Sidereal Cosmos review WORLD OF METAL MAGAZINE


Curves of Sidereal Cosmos review ROCK OVERDOSE


Ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης: 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018



Η ζωή μοιάζει να κάνει κύκλους και να σε φέρνει πολλάκις πίσω σε πρόσωπα, καταστάσεις και στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση, συγκροτήματα τα οποία συνάντησες παλιά και συνεχίζουν να πορεύονται με γνώμονα τη μοναδικότητα τους και την πεποίθηση ότι ποτέ δε θα γίνουν ένα με τη μάζα. Ένα εξ'αυτών και οι Θεσσαλονικείς Distorted Force, συγκρότημα που πρόλαβα κατά τη γέννηση τους μένοντας παλιότερα στη Νύφη του Βορρά και που είχα άμεση επαφή με το πρώιμο υλικό τους. Έτσι έγινα μάρτυρας και της αρχικής καθαρά κλασσικομεταλλάδικης έκφρασης, όπως και στη συνέχεια της προοδευτικότητας που μπήκε στη μουσική τους και τους έκανε τελείως διαφορετικό συγκρότημα σε σχέση με αυτό που γνωρίσαμε στα πρώτα του βήματα. Έτσι το ομότιτλο τους ΕΡ του 2010 φέροντας τον τίτλο του συγκροτήματος ακολουθήθηκε το 2011 από το 2ο ΕΡ ''A Dead Man's Dream'' και το 3ο ΕΡ ''Depersonalization''. Αν μή τι άλλο, δε βιάστηκαν ποτέ να κάνουν το πολύ μεγάλο βήμα και πήραν το χρόνο τους για να φτάσουμε στο 2013 και να κυκλοφορήσει το παρθενικό τους full-length ''Fields In Desolation'' και το 2014 ο δεύτερος δίσκος ''Taken By Force''. 5 κυκλοφορίες μέσα σε 5 χρόνια και με την ποιοτική συνέπεια που τους διέκρινε ως τότε, οι Distorted Force μάλλον περισσότερο λόγω της ροής των πραγμάτων παρά επειδή οι ίδιοι το είχαν ως σκέψη, έγιναν μία από τις μπάντες-σημεία αναφοράς όλου του Ελληνικού προοδευτικού ήχου.


Πέρασαν 4 ολόκληρα χρόνια από τότε και το σεξτέτο μας χαρίζει την 3η (και πάντα κρίσιμη για κάθε συγκρότημα) ολοκληρωμένη δουλειά του, η οποία ονομάζεται ''Curves Of Sidereal Cosmos'' και τολμώ να πω ότι είναι το μέχρι σήμερα καλύτερο τους δισκογραφικό δείγμα. Να εξηγηθούμε εξ'αρχής γιατι πολλούς σας νοιάζει το τι παίζει και τα θέλετε όλα έτοιμα σερβιρισμένα στο πιάτο.


Οι Distorted Force θα μπορούσαν να είναι ο ορισμός της progressive metal μπάντας από την άποψη και μόνο των ανώμαλων ρυθμών, των πολλών αλλαγών, της μεγάλης φαντασίας που έχουν σαν δημιουργοί και φυσικά της ποτέ εφησυχάζουσας λογικής σε ότι αφορά τη μουσική τους. Επειδή όμως θεωρώ ότι η οποιαδήποτε ταμπέλα θα τους αδικούσε ολότελα, ας πούμε ότι είναι μία μπάντα η οποία με βάση το προοδευτικό στοιχείο, έχει μπολιάσει στον ήχο της πολλά στοιχεία και σε κάθε κυκλοφορία της εμφανίζεται βαρύτερη, πιό απαιτητική σαν άκουσμα και με διάφορες πινελιές εδώ κι εκεί που κάνουν το αποτέλεσμα ακόμα πιό ενδιαφέρον στο τέλος. Εδώ στο τρίτο τους άλμπουμ το οποίο πραγματεύεται ένα ενιαίο concept στιχουργικά, οι Distorted Force περισσότερο από ποτέ έχουν εξελιχθεί σε μία μηχανή παραγωγής βαρύτατης μουσικής (ακουστικά και ψυχολογικά, το άκουσμα τους δεν είναι ευχάριστης φύσης σε καμία περίπτωση) η οποία μπλέκει με τον ένα ή τον άλλο τρόπο prog αισθητική, death metal όγκο και doom μουντίλα και ατμόσφαιρα στις συνθέσεις.


Έναν δίσκο 5 κομματιών που διαρκεί σχεδόν 58' από φύση δε θα τον πεις ούτε ευκολο - άκουστο ούτε και θα ''πιάσει'' κατευθείαν έναν ακροατή θεωρητικά... ΛΑΘΟΣ! Διότι το ''Curves Of Sidereal Cosmos'' θα σε πιάσει από τα μούτρα και θα σε στείλει αδιάβαστο αν το αντιμετωπίσεις αψήφιστα. Ειδικά αν είσαι γύρω στα 35-40+ και κάτι τέτοια λαβράκια τα ψάχνεις τόσο που γυρίζεις πέτρες ανάποδα, εδώ έχεις κάνει τέφρα και έχεις βρεί διαμαντάκι που λάμπει μέσα από τα σκατά που έχει περάσει ο καθένας από τα μέλη για να δημιουργήσει τέτοια μουσική. Γιατί είναι σίγουρο ότι για να παίζουν έτσι, τα πράγματα τους έχουν πάει πάρα πολύ στραβά κατά καιρούς. Υπέροχο ξεκίνημα με το ''Barrows Of Doom'' με άνω των 11' διάρκεια όπου και συνοψίζεται όλη η ουσία του δίσκου και μέσα του παρελαύνουν θεοί που δεν έτυχαν ποτέ αναγνώρισης αλλά πάντα ήταν ψηλά στα μάτια και βαθιά στις καρδιές του κόσμου. Πρώτοι-πρώτοι έρχονται στο νού οι Γερμανοί τεχνοκράτες Depressive Age με τον τραγουδιστή Σπύρο Εμμανουηλίδη να θυμίζει επικίνδυνα τον Jan Lubitzki των προαναφερθέντων, αλλά από την άλλη τέτοια παραπομπή πως γίνεται να μη σε γεμίσει χαρά; Επίσης υπάρχει διάχυτη η Nevermore-ίλα λόγω του τεράστιου βάρους της μουσικής τους, δεν ξέρω αν και κατά πόσο οπαδοί είναι τα παιδιά, αλλά κάτι κατεβάσματα στις κιθάρες και κάτι δίκασες σε συνδυασμό με power/prog/thrashing ρυθμούς, μόνο ο Jeff Loomis θα μπορούσε να τα είχε γράψει.


Προσθέστε και μία γερή δόση Αγγλικής doom/death early '90s αύρας με παλιούς Anathema (εποχής Darren White) και My Dying Bride ''Turn Loose The Swans'' εποχής να προσθέτουν σκατόψυχα συναισθήματα (και με πολύ εύστοχα χρησιμοποιημένα γυναικεία φωνητικά όσο κι όπου πρέπει) κι έχετε ένα ευφυέστατο κράμα ήχου το οποίο μόνο αδιάφορο δε σε αφήνει. Φυσικά δεσπόζουν οι τρείς μεγάλοι σε διάρκεια δυναμίτες, καθώς πλάι στο προαναφερθέν ''Barrows Of Doom'' κρατούν ανίερη συντροφιά το ομότιτλο έπος και φυσικά το σχεδόν 21' έπος ''Raven'' που κλείνει το δίσκο και σε αφήνει επιεικώς μαλάκα με την αισθητική του και τα όσα εύστοχα εμπεριέχει μέσα στις απίστευτες αλλαγές ρυθμών. Φωνητικά τα οποία γενικότερα μπορούν να παραπέμπουν σε παλιά '80s Αμερική και να γρυλίζουν σαν να θυμίζουν τεχνικές καφρομπαντάρες του παρελθόντος με τραχεία έκφραση και ξεσπάσματα που αναρωτιέσαι από πού πηγάζει τόσο νεύρο και αρνητικότητα. Εντυπωσιακό αποτέλεσμα το οποίο προφανώς και ακούγοντας το μπορώ να καταλάβω γιατί τους πήρε 4 ολόκληρα χρόνια να το δημιουργήσουν. Ενώ γενικά μετά το 2ο χρόνο γκρινιάζω προς οποιαδήποτε μπάντα δεν κυκλοφορεί δίσκο (όντας της παλιάς σχολής που πρόλαβα μπάντες να βγάζουν δίσκο κάθε χρόνο, αν όχι 2 άλμπουμ το χρόνο), εδώ το βουλώνω επιδεικτικά και χωρίς να ενθαρρύνω κανέναν να κάνει κάτι ανάλογο (είπαμε, γκρίνια), τους βγάζω το καπέλο για το τόλμημα.


Σπάνιο το φαινόμενο η αναμονή να ανταμείβεται τόσο πολύ και να έχει φιλτραριστεί τόσο πολύ το τελικό αποτέλεσμα πριν κυκλοφορήσει σε τελική μορφή. Δεν ξέρω τι θα γραφόταν αν μιλούσαμε για ξένο συγκρότημα και πόσες παραπάνω ευκαιρίες θα τους είχαν δωθεί να προωθήσουν τη μουσική τους, αλλά για Ελληνικό συγκρότημα μιλάμε για ένα μικρό θρίαμβο ο οποίος αξίζει να αποδοθεί και επί διθυραμβικών σχολίων, αρχικά μέσα στη χώρα μας που συνηθίζουμε να θάβουμε τα δικά μας παιδιά και εκ των υστέρων στο εξωτερικό, όπου είμαι βέβαιος ότι θα εκτιμηθεί πιο ενδελεχώς από τα ανοιχτά μυαλά που δεν έχουν Ελληνικές παθογένειες. Θα πρότεινα να τσεκάρετε το ''μικρό'' κομμάτι του δίσκου, το ''Tumulus'' προτού μπείτε στον κόσμο των Distorted Force, είναι μόλις 5μιση λεπτά και συμπυκνώνει μερικά από τα πάμπολλα στοιχεία που έχει αυτό το σίγουρα χαρισματικό συγκρότημα. Δηλώνω αρχικά εντυπωσιασμένος έχοντας δεί τα παιδιά πολλές φορές παλιότερα σε συναυλία, μπορούσες να δεις ότι κάποτε θα βγει κάτι σαν το ''Curves Of Sidereal Cosmos'', αλλά το να το ακούς καμιά 7-8 χρόνια μετά να μετουσιώνεται σε τέτοιο ηχητικό σπέρμα (δε μπορώ να το θέσω αλλιώς), σε κάνει να είσαι και χαρούμενος δις που το έκανε εγχώρια μπάντα μας. Δε μπορώ παρά να κλείσω ευχόμενος να δώσετε ευκαιρίες σε αυτό το άλμπουμ, τα παιδιά θα πρέπει να νιώθουν περήφανα για το άλμπουμ, πιστεύω περήφανα θα νιώσει και όποιος ακούει μουσική με τα αυτιά και όχι με τον κώλο όπως συνηθίζεται από πολλούς και πως αρκετοί θα ανακαλύψετε από την πρώτη ακρόαση για το τι περιπτωσάρα μιλάμε. 1000 μπράβο ειλικρινά!



Βαθμολογία: 87/100



Για το Rockoverdose.gr

Δημήτρης Αλόρας






Curves of Sidereal Cosmos review METALBROTHERS.ES

DISTORTED FORCE – Curves of Sidereal Cosmos (2018)

by Pescaíto Jr

Metal Progresivo

1. Barrows of Doom
2. Dreamworld’s Forest
3. Curves of Sidereal Cosmos
4. Tumulus
5. Raven



Thanos Pallides – Bajo
Markos Diamantopoulos – Batería
Nick Hatjigogos – Guitarra
Nikos Felekis – Guitarra
Marios Ioannides – Teclado
Spiros Emmanouilidis – Cantante

Distorted Force es un proyecto musical que nace en el 2008 en Tesalónica y en sus primeros tiempos eran una banda de metal clásico que se dedicaba a hacer versiones de Iron Maiden, Metallica y Iced Earth. En el 2010 empiezan a componer sus temas propios y lanzan al mercado su primer ep de título homónimo, un año después editan su segundo tema “A Dead Man’s Dream” con influencias de Porcupine Tree y Anathema.

En el 2012 cambian varios miembros de la formación y graban su tercer ep “Depersonalization” y a partir de este ep dejan de ser una banda instrumental y empiezan a introducir estribillos cantados a sus temas.

Este es el tercer larga duración de la banda que cuenta con colaboraciones sobre todo en las voces. No es el típico metal progresivo que emula a Symphony X, va más lejos.

Barrows of Doom es un corte muy complejo de digerir. Busca recrear una atmósfera típica de la Bay Area en los pasajes lentos del tema, fallan las voces en todo momento, ni la voz gutural ni la voz limpia son destacables, tampoco los estribillos les llevan a ninguna parte. El riff cargado de groove que está presente durante todo el tema no se escucha con nitidez, lo mejor son los cambios de ritmo donde se pasan a un Power/Thrash tirando a técnico que puede recordar a los Powermad.

Dreamworld’s Forest quiere mezclar Power Metal, Sinfónico y Power/Thrash y a esa mezcla ellos le llaman metal progresivo que de progresivo tiene más bien poco. En cuanto a la labor de los teclados, pues es más ambiental que otra cosa, no aporta nada, me recuerda al sonido típico de los Virgin Steele y se nota también mucho los orígenes de esta banda porque ese sonido de los Iced Earth sigue todavía latente en su música.

No tienen feeling compositivo alguno pese a las buenas maneras que muestran sobre todo en los solos de guitarra, el hecho más destacable del tema Curves of Sidereal Cosmos.

Hay muchos pasajes acústicos y atmosféricos a golpe de teclado. Ahí está el sentir heleno en sus composiciones, todas las bandas griegas tienen ese sonido acústico, melódico que roza lo épico en sus composiciones, lo llevan en el ADN y es otra de las características de esta banda.

Son una banda de Power/Thrash en el fondo con cierta técnica como demuestran en Tumulus. Les falta gancho, el gran problema es la combinación de voces que son casi habladas con voz gutural sin ninguna fuerza. Al final te tienes que centrar en el trabajo del bajista y del guitarrista como solista para extraerle jugo a este álbum, porque es lo más destacable.

Finaliza el trabajo con Raven, al igual que en los anteriores temas, todos son temas de larga duración, el álbum pese a solo contener cinco temas tiene una duración de 50 minutos, por ejemplo, este último tema tiene una duración de 20 minutos y se hace excesivamente largo y sin ningún gancho.

Unen bien las diferentes partes de los temas, pero la parte de los estribillos lastra por completo el resultado final y la falta de garra en la composición, se agradece que sean una banda completamente diferente pero aún así ciertamente irregular.

Feeling: 1/5
Originalidad: 4/5
Técnica: 3/5
Producción: 2/5

Puntuación: 5,5/10


DISTORTED FORCE - Curves of Sidereal Cosmos (2018)

by Pescaíto Jr


Progressive Metal

distorted force 11. Barrows of Doom

2. Dreamworld's Forest

3. Curves of Sidereal Cosmos

4. Tumulus

5. Raven

Thanos Pallides - Bass

Markos Diamantopoulos - Battery

Nick Hatjigogos - Guitar

Nikos Felekis - Guitar

Marios Ioannides - Keyboard

Spiros Emmanouilidis - Singer

Distorted Force is a musical project that was born in 2008 in Thessaloniki and in its early days were a classic metal band that was dedicated to making versions of Iron Maiden, Metallica and Iced Earth. In 2010 they began to compose their own songs and released their first ep with the same title, a year later they released their second song "A Dead Man's Dream" with influences from Porcupine Tree and Anathema.

In 2012 they change several members of the band and record their third ep "Depersonalization" and from this ep they stop being an instrumental band and begin to introduce sung refrains to their songs.

This is the third long duration of the band that has collaborations especially in the voices. It is not the typical progressive metal that emulates Symphony X, it goes further.

Barrows of Doom is a very complex cut to digest. It seeks to recreate a typical atmosphere of the Bay Area in the slow passages of the subject, the voices fail at all times, neither the guttural voice nor the clean voice are remarkable, nor the refrains take them anywhere. The loaded riff of groove that is present throughout the whole song is not heard clearly, the best are the changes of rhythm where you pass a Power / Thrash shooting technician that can remember the Powermad.

Dreamworld's Forest wants to mix Power Metal, Symphonic and Power / Thrash and to that mix they call it progressive metal that of progressive has rather little. As for the work of the keyboards, it is more environmental than anything else, it does not contribute anything, it reminds me of the typical sound of the Virgin Steele and it is also very noticeable the origins of this band because that sound of the Iced Earth is still latent in his music.

They do not have any compositional feeling despite the good manners they show especially in guitar solos, the most remarkable fact of the Curves of Sidereal Cosmos theme.

There are many acoustic and atmospheric passages at the touch of a keyboard. There is the feel of Hellenic in their compositions, all the Greek bands have that acoustic, melodic sound that rubs the epic in their compositions, they carry it in the DNA and is another of the characteristics of this band.

They are a Power / Thrash band in the background with some technique as shown in Tumulus. They lack hook, the big problem is the combination of voices that are almost spoken with a guttural voice without any force. In the end you have to focus on the work of the bass player and guitarist as a soloist to extract juice from this album, because it is the most remarkable.

Ends the work with Raven, as in the previous issues, all are long-term issues, the album despite only containing five songs has a duration of 50 minutes, for example, this last theme lasts 20 minutes and is It is excessively long and without any hook.

They join well the different parts of the songs, but the part of the choruses completely weighs the final result and the lack of claw in the composition, it is appreciated that they are a completely different band but still certainly irregular.

Feeling: 1/5

Originality: 4/5

Technique: 3/5

Production: 2/5

Score: 5.5 / 10




Curves of Sidereal Cosmos review METAL ADDICTS


Metal music is an intense journey. One day you can listen to some black metal songs about burning buildings and the next you will have a progressive metal concept album centered around mythical realities. Luckily for those against arson, we are dealing with the latter today.

Distorted Force hail from Greece and have risen to become one of the front runners of Greek progressive metal. In the past eight years, Distorted Force has released three albums and two EPs. Most of these albums take place within the same lyrical concept. The story stretches from their 2010 eponymous debut EP to this year’s Curves of Sidereal Cosmos.

Fortunately, the story follows their albums in chronological order. This is in contrast to some bands… like Rush… who have a song series that goes in reverse chronological order across three albums, plus an additional fourth song twenty years later. That being said the story is a bit confusing. The band states that their 2018 album is their first concept album. However, the YouTube link features the album’s as if they are all within the same story. Whatever the case, Curves of Sidereal Cosmos is a joyful thrill ride the whole way.

Through and through, Curves of Sidereal Cosmos, is progressive metal. The elements in the singing hint at other genres such as death, but the progressive side is much more clear. The opening track, the 11-minute “Barrows of Doom” expresses many different sounds. The early part of the song is slow and features heavy use of keyboards. “Barrows of Doom” quickly turns into a heavy song with fast paced instrumentals. The mid-section features some great guitar work from Nikos Felekis. Later on, it returns to the slow pace it began with before breaking into a melodic vibe that closes the song. Track two “Dreamworld’s Forest,” contracts the mix of tempos by being fast through almost the full eight minutes it is on for.

The title track, “Curves of Sidereal Cosmos,” follows this theme of fast-paced metal, but also features a soft mid-section. The album ends with the 25-minute “Raven,” which draws inspiration from the Edgar Allan Poe poem of the same name as well as others by Poe, Donald Tyson, and H.P. Lovecraft. The song itself is quite the journey. It opens in a dramatic form that switches between heavy and slow. This theme continues throughout the track as two characters seem to be fighting forces within the lyrics. I am not exactly sure what happens to the main character in the song, but he lets out a shriek near the end which leads me to believe he dies. The song ends with some overbearing keyboards that fade off, presumably into the next chapter of this saga.

For years, metal musicians have delivered albums that tell monumental stories. Many musicians view their work both as music and literary creations. With albums like Curves of Sidereal Cosmos, I can definitely see why. Distorted Force have laid down an album that is great to listen to and neat to follow. If you enjoyed Curves of Sidereal Cosmos, check out their previous albums which contain the predecessor’s to this story.

Curves of Sidereal Cosmos was released independently on May 28, 2018.




Curves of Sidereal Cosmos review LIVERPOOL SOUND AND VISION


Distorted Force, Curves Of A Sidereal Cosmos. Album Review.
Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

If you can have the best of both worlds, then why not seek out more than one flavour of jam to put on your toast, love with both intensity and feeling and if all works for you across the board, then meld the forces of the Progressive and the crash of symbolic Metal to the point where the boiling cauldron of the instantly creative overflows and destroys the path of ignorance with first class precision. For this once thought conceptual distorted force, only dared to be breached by the timeless Iron Maiden in Seventh Son of a Seventh Son or in the incomparable Queensryche, has more than come of age since those tentative steps.

Greece’s powerhouse of the genre Distorted Force may have started out as one the groups that you would have gone to see perform the searing memories of other Heavy Metal acts that made audiences tightly wrapped in the arms of nostalgia, but as Time has weighed the century up and found it wanting in stature, Distorted Force has become a band in which you could well argue holds its roots and its outlook fully in the camp of the British Progressive scene and the physical attributes of the Metal that saved the minds and emotions of thousands of impressionable music fans.

In their new album, Curves of A Sidereal Cosmos, Spiros Emmanouildis, Nikos Felekis, Nikos Hatiigogos, Marios Ionnidis, Thanos Pallidis and Markos Diamantopoulos converge ready to take the crowd and the newly interested on a voyage of self-discovery, an Odyssey-like performance in which new realms are explored as the Progressive element fuses intangibly with the Metal, like a hybrid machine, all glowing metallic shell, muscular and powerful, but with the agility of the story-teller woven through its pores and the heart of poet.

The tracks on the album Barrow’s of Doom, Dreamworld’s Forest, the album title track, Curves of A Sidereal Cosmos, Tumulus and Raven are not just muscular, they crack the listener’s mind and overthrow the negative allusion that some have when thinking of the concept album, this Homer like scribe journey is to be admired fully.

Curves of A Sidereal Cosmos is enthralling, a mighty step in the band’s evolution and one that paves the way to a different level of song-writing.

Ian D. Hall




Curves of Sidereal Cosmos review INSANE VOICES LABYRINTH




Attivi fin dal 2008 i Distorted Force sono un gruppo che, dalla grecissima Tessalonica, si propone con questo nuovo album all'attenzione globale.

I nostri sono composti da Katerina Milona (basso), Nikos Sfoungaros (voce),Nikos Felekis (chitarra solista) Kostas Jioumakas (altra voce) Thomas Karamihales (batteria) Achilleas Adamides (alle tastiere) e John Thanopoulos (chitarra ritmica) ed hanno già alle loro spalle la produzione di ben un demo, due EP e due album completi: uno del 2013 (Field of Desolation) e uno nel 2014 (Taken by Force) questo “Curves of Sideral Cosmos” è invece la loro ultima fatica discografica.

Il disco in questione si apre dunque con le chitarre pulite di “Barrows of Doom”  a cui poi segue subito tutta la potenza del gruppo con l'ingresso degli altri strumenti.

I numerosi riff della canzone sanno essere abbastanza ricercati senza mai cadere però nell'autocelebrazione fine a se stessa. Quando il brano accelera entra anche la voce growl e il tappeto di doppia cassa che ricordano da vicino molte delle soluzioni dei più famosi gruppi technical-death Metal. Il ruolo primario che ricopre il basso e il suono avvolgente che lo contraddistingue inoltre, danno personalità al gruppo che sà rendersi piacevole grazie alle indubitabili capacità tecniche di tutti i suoi componenti.

La canzone prosegue e si dipana per tutti i suoi undici minuti e mezzo tra sfuriate più veloci, rallentamenti Doom e un accenno al Main Theme de “il Padrino” (di cui non ho afferrato il senso appieno: easter egg? Omaggio al cinema d'autore?). L'intera  canzone poi, sembra prendere dei binari diversi con l'introduzione della voce pulita a guidare le danze su aperture melodiche delle chitarre elettriche, che conducono verso un sorprendente finale malinconico e tragico. Un bel pezzo di apertura!

Nulla lascia intravedere l'attacco potente della seconda canzone del lotto ovvero “Dreamworld's Forest” in pieno stile Death Metal per poi spostarsi subito su coordinate meno prevedibili e molto vicine al quel piccolo e misconosciuto capolavoro dei “Con Anima” quel “The Book of Riddles” del 1999 che vedeva un uso molto simile delle voci e delle armonizzazioni di scuola death metal.

I Distorted Force in questo pezzo calcano la mano senza mai però spingersi in ambiti puramente prog-death Metal. Inseriscono la voce femminile per dare elasticità al pezzo Doom centrale in modo magistrale e la ripresa successiva riporta il pezzo sui suoi oscuri passi che però, nonostante la capacità tecnica mostrata, non fanno mai sobbalzare sulla sedia. I numerosi stacchi e cambi di tempo infatti, se da un lato tengono alto l'interesse dell'ascoltatore, dall'altro tendono a disorientarlo arrivando così alla conclusione del pezzo, fatta dal basso, che lascia l'amaro in bocca ma che ci lancia subito nella traccia successiva ovvero il pezzo che da il titolo all'album ovvero “Curves of sideral cosmos”.

La traccia parte sparatissima ma è subito riportata nei controllati binari della band fatti di melodia vocale, stop&go, midtempo e accelerazioni improvvise con inserti alla bisogna della voce growl, anche il synth trova il suo posto in questo pezzo che dura poco più di undici minuti. Tutta la traccia è un susseguirsi di strumenti che si rincorrono spesso in soluzioni armoniche troppo capillari per essere colte ad un ascolto veloce. Inoltre gli stop&go sono molto spiazzanti e lasciano un senso di insoddisfazione quando si arriva ai secondi finali della canzone.

“Tumulus” è la sola canzone il cui minutaggio scende sotto i sei minuti (5:30) e l'anima dei “Con Anima” e di certo progressive metal di stampo americano viene messa in luce dai Distorted Force per un finale teatralmente melodrammatico.

L'ultima traccia del lotto è “Raven” un'articolatissima song che supera i venti minuti e che mette in risalto e sintetizza in un' unica soluzione tutto quello che sono i Distorted Force: stacchi molto potenti, voce growl a cui spesso si sostituisce una profonda voce clean, melodie azzeccatissime, spesso vicine a certo gothic metal tedesco, parti di piano sognanti, ancora parti rallentate molto vicino al doom e tanta tantissima capacità di far suonare tutto questo in maniera armonica.

Si conclude così questa enorme opera dei Distorted Force dal titolo “Curves of sideral cosmos”. Un lavoro appunto monumentale, complesso, che richiede numerosissimi ascolti per essere sviscerato in tutte le sue anguste pieghe. I suoni sono molto definiti e moderni e tutto l'album si presta ad essere apprezzato lentamente. Tutto perfetto dunque? Non esattamente.

I Distorted Force sono degli ottimi musicisti e ciò si sente lungo tutto l'album, hanno delle ottime idee e soluzioni per portare avanti la loro ardua proposta ma c'è un ma: alcuni fell, alcuni arrangiamenti, risultano poco immediati e troppo artificiosi, altri invece sembrano troppo precipitosi e quasi banali. Insomma nel loro caleidoscopio di emozioni che propongono a volte non riescono a mantenere una compattezza che invece avrebbe reso il tutto ancora più godibile.

Ma di fronte a composizioni così elaborate e a pezzi cosi lunghi queste sono solo delle piccolezze.

Un'ottima prova dunque questa dei greci che mi sento di consigliare sia agli amanti del progressive metal moderno che ai death metallers di più larghe vedute.

I Distorted Force non saranno certo i nuovi Cynic ma sono giovani e hanno dalla loro tanta voglia di fare, tantissime idee e tecnica a non finire.

Se nel prossimo futuro saranno in grado di convogliare tutto questo in qualche cosa di ancora più armonioso, estremo quanto basta e tecnico senza perdere di vista la luce del progressive (di cui si fanno porta-voci), potremmo assistere alla nascita di un gruppo interessantissimo nel panorama internazionale. 

Mauro “ Micio” Spadoni




Active since 2008 the Distorted Force is a group that, from the very great Tessalonica, proposes itself with this new album to the global attention.

Ours are composed by Katerina Milona (bass), Nikos Sfoungaros (vocals), Nikos Felekis (solo guitar) Kostas Jioumakas (other voice) Thomas Karamihales (drums) Achilleas Adamides (keyboards) and John Thanopoulos (rhythm guitar) and have already behind them the production of a demo, two EPs and two complete albums: one in 2013 (Field of Desolation) and one in 2014 (Taken by Force) this "Curves of Sideral Cosmos" is their latest record.

The disc in question then opens with the clean guitars of "Barrows of Doom" which then immediately follows the power of the group with the entry of the other instruments.

The numerous riffs of the song can be quite sought after without ever falling into self-congratulation as an end in itself. When the song accelerates it also enters the growl voice and the double chest carpet that closely resemble many of the solutions of the most famous technical-death Metal groups. The primary role that covers the bass and the enveloping sound that distinguishes it also give personality to the group that can make itself pleasant thanks to the unquestionable technical skills of all its components.

The song continues and unravels for all of its eleven and a half minutes between faster fury, Doom slowdowns and a hint to the Main Theme of "The Godfather" (of which I have not grasped the full meaning: easter egg? author?). The whole song then, seems to take different tracks with the introduction of the clean voice to lead the dances on melodic openings of electric guitars, leading to a surprising melancholy and tragic ending. A nice piece of opening!

Nothing leaves a glimpse of the powerful attack of the second song of the lot or "Dreamworld's Forest" in full style Death Metal and then move immediately to less predictable coordinates and very close to that little and misunderstood masterpiece of "With Soul" that "The Book of Riddles "Of 1999 which saw a very similar use of death metal school voices and harmonizations.

The Distorted Force in this piece tread the hand without ever going into purely prog-death Metal. They insert the female voice to give elasticity to the central Doom piece in a masterly way and the following shot brings the piece back on its obscure steps, which, nevertheless, despite the technical ability shown, never make the chair jump. The numerous cuts and changes of time, in fact, if on the one hand keep the listener's interest high, on the other they tend to disorient him, thus arriving at the conclusion of the piece, made from the bass, which leaves a bitter taste in the mouth immediately in the next track or the piece that gives the title to the album or "Curves of sideral cosmos".

The track starts to disappear but is immediately reported in the band's controlled tracks made of vocal melody, stop & go, midtempo and sudden accelerations with inserts to the needs of the growl voice, even the synth finds its place in this piece that lasts just over eleven minutes. The whole track is a succession of instruments that often run after each other in harmonic solutions that are too capillary to be caught up to a quick listening. In addition, the stop & go are very unsettling and leave a sense of dissatisfaction when it comes to the final seconds of the song.

"Tumulus" is the only song whose minutage drops below six minutes (5:30) and the soul of "With Soul" and certainly American-style progressive metal is brought to light by the Distorted Force for a theatrically melodramatic finale.

The last track of the lot is "Raven" an articulate song that exceeds twenty minutes and which highlights and synthesizes in a single solution all that are the Distorted Force: very powerful deadlifts, growl voice which is often replaced a deep clean voice, perfectly matched melodies, often close to certain German gothic metal, dreamy parts of the piano, still parts slowed down very close to the doom and so much ability to play all this in a harmonious way.

Thus ended this huge work of the Distorted Force titled "Curves of sideral cosmos". A monumental work, complex, which requires numerous listening to be eviscerated in all its narrow folds. The sounds are very defined and modern and the whole album lends itself to be appreciated slowly. All perfect then? Not exactly.

The Distorted Force are excellent musicians and this is felt throughout the album, have some great ideas and solutions to carry on their arduous proposal but there is a but: some fell, some arrangements, are not immediate and too artificial, others, however, seem too precipitous and almost banal. In short, in their kaleidoscope of emotions that they offer sometimes they can not maintain a compactness that would have made it even more enjoyable.

But in the face of such elaborate compositions and such long pieces these are only small things.

An excellent test then this of the Greeks that I would recommend both to lovers of modern progressive metal and death metallers of wider views.

The Distorted Force will not be the new Cynic, but they are young and have so much desire to do, lots of ideas and technical never-ending.

If in the near future they will be able to channel all this into something even more harmonious, extreme enough and technical without losing sight of the light of progressive (of which you are port-voices), we could witness the birth of a very interesting group on the international scene. 

Mauro "Micio" Spadoni

